First time into this terrain for the season. Coverage is still low, but avalanches are possible with the new snow tonight.
Light snow during tour. 1cm new snow from start to finish of field work.
This was the first time into this terrain for the season for WCMAC forecasters. Overall, the snowpack is shallow with average snow depths at 6200' at 50cm (20 inches). We were able to drive to 5200' at the Pyramid Pass trailhead, but I suspect with tonights snow this will no longer be possible.
Below 6000' on southerly aspects, the snowpack had only a few inches of snow on top of a supportable crust. Above 6000', the crust disappeared and the snowpack was primarily faceted with a shallow soft slab on top. The spatial variability of this facet/soft slab combination is uncertain as visibility was poor and we were unable to cover much of the terrain in the forecast zone.
As we move into the next storm, be suspicious of slopes holding old snow as they are most likely to harbor weak layers.
First time into new terrain for the season. Avoided avalanche terrain as even though there was most likely not enough snow for avalanches, more data is needed for higher confidence in terrain choice.