Conditions remain good and snow ski quality was better yesterday than Saturday on northerly aspects. We DID find a layer of buried surface hoar down about 8 cm (3") from the snow surface which we will have to monitor when it gets loaded with more snow. There currently is also widespread surface hoar sitting on top of a melt-freeze crust.
Another beautiful, warm and calm day! Temps rose above 30 and we were able to produce roller balls and pinwheels from wet surface snow.
We were able to initiate fractures on a thin layer of buried near surface facets 40 - 45 cms from the snow surface but not propagation in our extended column tests. Same for the buried surface hoar (see attached image).
Keep an eye on layer of buried surface hoar
We felt confident with stability to step into terrain greater than 30 degrees, but did not commit ourselves to anything that could increase our consequences (avoiding terrain traps).