Toured from 6,100 to 7,300 today on an east aspect. 5 mph winds out of the SW with temps in high 30s, low 40s. 10-20i cm of new snow on top of the melt freeze crusts from the weekend were completely saturated, but saw no new rollerballs . March 1st rain crust was 70 cm down, 15 cm thick with 8 cm of facets above it.
Dug a pit at 6,800 feet, 320 cm of snow on an east aspect. CT 22 20cm down. ECTN 18 20 cm down on a new/old snow interface, ECTN 21 35 down on .5cm melt freeze crust, ECTN 29 60 cm down on the facets above the March 1st rain crust, fracture propagated 30 cm across.
Rode ridges down that topped out at 35°, has some roller balls on steeper pitches but didn't cause any concern. Beautiful sunny day but very sticky snow.