
The West Central Montana Avalanche Foundation (WCMAF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The mission of the WCMAF is to support avalanche information and education for all backcountry users.


We envision a diverse community of backcountry users aware of avalanche danger, making informed decisions, and traveling safely.


The WCMAF was formed in 2001 to bridge the growing gap between the funding available from the U.S. Forest Service and the expenses required to operate the West Central Montana Avalanche Center (WCMAC). Today, it raises the funding needed to run the avalanche center, maintains the website Missoulaavalanche.org, delivers high-quality avalanche education, and connects the public to resources for staying safe in avalanche terrain. 

The WCMAF oversees and supports the West Central Montana Avalanche Center (WCMAC). The WCMAC generates avalanche forecasts for the west-central Montana forecast area and provides information to the public regarding terrain, weather, and snow conditions that contribute to avalanche danger. U.S. Forest Service employees assist the WCMAC on the Bitterroot, Nez Perce-Clearwater, and Lolo National Forests, contributing field observations and administrative support.

The Board of Directors collaborates with the National Ski Patrol and regional riding clubs to install and maintain Backcountry Access Beacon Training Parks and “Are you beeping?” beacon checkers throughout west central Montana. 

Community Powered:

The WCMAF supports the mission through community support and public and private partnerships. Together, we are creating the most fun and safe backcountry community possible.