Sponsorships are essential to avalanche information and education. Your support helps us provide the website, generate avalanche forecasts, and deliver education programs for all backcountry travelers. When partnering with us, we help promote your brand and ensure that the growing backcountry community knows your organization advocates for their safety.

Rotating Footer Banner Ad (Site-Wide)

Please provide your ad as a TRANSPARENT PNG with your logo fitting inside a 300×200 px ad dimension.  We require this ad size to be BIGGER than the actual display size to accommodate higher resolution displays (“Retina or 2x displays”).  

Your ad will be featured in the rotating footer of missoulaavalanche.org. The order of your ad (in relation to the others) will be updated randomly every 10 minutes and all ads are rotated every few seconds on an endless loop that includes the entire lineup of supporter ads.  

Please contact us for more information on Advertising/Sponsorship opportunities »