Level 1 Avalanche Course – Lost Trail Pass

Classroom: February 22nd and-23rd 5:30-8:30pm

Field Days:  February 24th and 25th

Cost: $225

Course Description: This Level 1 class follows recommendations from the American Avalanche Association. The level 1 course covers avalanche fundamentals in both a classroom setting and practical application while in the field. Course materials focus on terrain selection and travel protocols, along with snowpack assessment and weather evaluation. While in the field students will receive hands on training and an opportunity to further develop avalanche skills with the supervision of an avalanche professional. Students will also practice rescue techniques through mock avalanche scenarios and experience firsthand what an avalanche search and rescue entails. These classes are great for people who are newly interested in backcountry travel or more experienced individuals looking to further develop their skills.

Course content includes:

  • Avalanche types and anatomy
  • Basic slab mechanics
  • Terrain
  • Snowpack and Weather
  • Decision Making and Human Factors
  • Companion Rescue

Registration: Call or visit the UM Outdoor Program (East end of the UM Fitness Center) 406-243-5172 or register online at  https://register.campusrec.umt.edu/Program/GetProgramDetails?courseId=419b1989-538f-40a4-a20a-2fc9031da084&semesterId=9a665e98-1cc0-40bd-8262-688979d93466