Observation Date: 12/15/2020

We were able to drive to the trailhead, followed an old skin track up the summer trail.

Overcast day, with light wind and fresh snow!

N-NW winds, consistent 5 mph breeze with 15 mph gusts. A bit of snow transport and wind crusts above 7,000′ in open areas.

New Snow: 3-6″

Avalanche Activity:
Saw no avalanche activity, dug a pit on a NE 27° slope at 7,250′ with a snow depth of 115cm. 10cm of new snow with facets, likely surface hoar, at 105cm. This layer collapsed at 6 taps in our column test. Well bonded snow from 105-35cm. Faceting layer at 35 cm, Q2 on this layer when we pried the column off after the compression test. Our column test produced no results after the initial failure at the 105cm layer.

Other Comments:
Substantial snowpack around 6,500′, snow skied well.

Observer: Jack Peabody